Sunday 3 July 2022


It doesn't matter how long it takes to get it done , what maters the most is "it was done ".

It doesn't matter who gets the first view at the top of the mountain what matters the most is "you got your view " i

It doesn't matter who gets married first what matters is you got married eventually .

It doesn't matter who got a child first sometimes the reason your child is delaying is because kings and queens don't just show up they come prepared .

The best things in life come in a complete package and it goes through a process which is Time. Time doesn't happen in a hurry . Waite for it and you shall see .

I pray that God gives us the ability to Wait for Him to make it happen in Jesus name . God has a plan ! [Source Pastor Austin Edeki, Author, & Life Coach, Canada]


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1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring. God bless you sir. RICHARD
