Wednesday 9 September 2015


For some time to come we will be looking at core concepts and ideas that can help us make a mind-shift from lack and want thinking to wealthy thinking.
Everything starts in our thoughts. If you look at creation, before God said "let us make man", man existed in His thoughts, so to speak. God had a clear picture of what He wanted to create before He created it. However, He spoke what He had seen on the inside, then He went ahead to do what He needed to do to bring His thoughts into material manifestation. It's all about following principles and we can get predictable results.
Okay, so the first idea (please these are not presented in any sequential order, they are altogether relevant to wealth consciousness development) is this:

#1. Wealth Is Not Money
Okay, am sure you are wondering what that means. Well, it means just what is stated. Wealth is not money. Wealth is actually nothing tangible. It is not something you can touch with your physical hands. What then is wealth, you may ask. Wealth is...

#2. Wealth is Thoughts
Yes, thoughts. Wealth is thoughts. Before you see the physical signs of wealth, wealth is first a perpetual thinking. It's a mindset. It's a consciousness. You cannot think lack and insufficiency and have ideas that can launch you into physical substance. You must "see" wealth, consistently before it "becomes" physical reality.

#3. Being Broke Does Not Mean Being Poor.
Yes, being Broke is a state of your pocket. Being Poor is a state of your mind. Being broke is temporary, but Being poor is permanent! There is nothing wrong to be Broke, but it should be temporary, for awhile. However, Staying broke means that person is poor and poverty is a state of mind. A Broke man only needs to take certain steps and actions and after awhile, you won't see him in that state!

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To Be Continued...

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