Monday 12 May 2014


From time to time, you will encounter obstacles. Your attitude towards obstacles and what you do, is what determines if you become better, bitter or bigger after the encounter.
When you encounter an obstacle, there are some vital things you must do in order to win. These are what President David, in Scriptures,used in overcoming Goliath. Though at the time he used this principle, he had not ascended the throne, however, it was what he kept on using after he became President. You will recall that he was eventually called a "man of war". Therefore, if there is one man we can learn from about overcoming obstacles in life, then that one man has to be David.
Now what are these vital things we must do to overcome obstacles. The first thing is to
Yes, you need to use your imagination to picture your past victories. David said, "The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the LION and from the paw of the BEAR..."
This is a fundamental secret that most believers do not use. They imagine the worst case scenarios and dwell there. The enemy floods their minds with the worst that could happen. My friend take charge of your mind. As a believer, you have been given the MIND OF CHRIST. An anointed mind, a mind that only sees victory. A mind that anticipates success in the face of overwhelming odds. That's the reason for the mind of Christ. You must consciously bring back to your memory, the past victories you have had. This should not just be a passing thought but rather an active, conscious activity, so vivid, so strong that it moves you to do the next step.

Yes o! When you create strong, vivid pictures of past victories that God has given you, it causes you to boldly declare what He has done for you thereby creating a foundation for faith in overcoming your present obstacles. This may be done  quietly to yourself or to the hearing of others. However, you need to note that verbalization must come from a mouth whose heart is convinced. When a convinced heart speaks, it always results in confirmable results! You do not verbalize in order to convince your heart, no, you verbalize because your heart is convinced. That's the secret. It makes a whole world of difference.
You must first believe with your heart first, then you confess or declare with your mouth unto salvation.

There is a strategy to use in overcoming that obstacle (Goliath)  standing in front of you. The surest way to get God's direction on what to do is to take time to settle steps number one and two written above, and God will show you the strategy to implement in overcoming your present challenges. Many times, believers want to start from this third step. No. It doesnt work that way. That is like putting the cart before the horse! And let me say this at this point. Many times, God will show you a strategy that requires the use of your resources. What you need is in you and around you! What you have that is around you.  Don't undermine your simple sling and stone. That coat of armour without God is nothing but unnecessary weight! Trust God to show you, and He will. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.

Yes take action! Until you move, God will not move. He has shown you what to do, so, go ahead. Take oqlaction! Don't be like Moses, who was standing before the Red Sea and was waiting for God. God told him "don't wait for me, stretch your rod and divide the sea"! God already had told him that the rod was for him to do signs. However, Moses stood by the sea and was wasting time talking! God got tired of waiting for him to take action and told him to use the rod. Use your God-given strategy!
I wonder how many folks are standing by their Red sea and waiting for God to do something, meanwhile having their rod (God-given strategy) right in their hands!
I see you taking action, and taking territories through Jesus name!

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