Sunday 15 January 2012

The Power of Contemplation Part 2

Continued from part 1

We started talking about the Power of Contemplation in our last article; we will continue from where we stopped. Now every reasonable thinking woman believes in a man whose actions produce quality results. But then quality results are the results of quality thinking or contemplation. Women are more emotional but they can also think rationally. Men are more rational but of course, they can be emotional. Both qualities are important, hence man needs woman and woman needs man.  However, in terms of family life, I believe the reason man is the head of the home is because of the rational or contemplative power bestowed on man by God, however, the woman’s input can greatly help to fine tune the outcome of family decisions. The feminine advantage can balance family decisions. 

As the head of the home, you must use your head. When your head stops working, the respect from your wife and your kids starts waning .Therefore, you must learn to constantly use your contemplative power as a man or you lose your respect in life. It’s been estimated that human beings use less than 10% of their natural brain capacity. The people, we  call genius use less than 10% of their brain capacity. This means the generality or majority of persons use just about 2-3% of their brain capacity. Talk about gross under-utilisation! There is an awesome room for improvement in our contemplative ability; we can and should improve our contemplative power. We can become genius in our own right. If not world renowned, at least family-renowned!

 A study of society today reveals that we are at greater advantage for developing mentally than in previous generations. Technology has made it a thousand times easy for us to become genius in our own right. But this is only if you as a man is willing to do so. Technology itself will not confer it on you. You must rise up and use this advantage bestowed on our generation to develop your contemplative power to become a star in your generation or at least in your home or family. This is will cheaply guarantee your place of dignity on the earth. However, in today’s world there are some hindrances that stand on the way of most men to developing their contemplative power. Let’s identify them.
Common hindrances to developing the Power of Contemplation?

They in include the following:
  1. Weak mental habits
  2. Amorous affair
  3. Poor association
  4. Sexual fantasy
  5. Poor reading culture
  6. Low self-image
  7. Low self –esteem
  8. Religious mind- set

We will now examine each of these habits
       1.        Weak mental habits:
A habit is a way of doing things that has become a way of life to you. Every man has thinking habits—good or bad. Weak mental habits simply refer to ways of thinking that are shallow. It is an approach to situations that is only surface deep. The good news is that new thinking habits can be developed. But you must commit to developing new thinking habits. It takes about 3 weeks to develop a new habit and it involves commitment to doing things in the new way you want to develop in you.

To develop strong mental habits, commit yourself to spending time to think deeply few minutes every day. This involves thinking about possible solutions, and outcomes of what you are presently confronted with. Seeing things from different angles. As you do this consistently daily, it will eventually become a habit and the time will come when you will then do it spontaneously on different issues at the same time. Remember it is not just taking action as a man but engaging in quality contemplation that matters. So begin to develop strong mental habit.

    2.          Amorous Affairs
         These are affairs or acquaintances that are geared towards sexual ends. They are sexually-motivated affairs. It takes time to develop any affair, whether long term or short term, whether as a single man or a married man. If you estimate the amount of mental energy you use in pursuing amorous relationships, you will be amazed at how much of your mental energy it consumes. The amount of contemplative energy that goes into these pursuits limits the use of your thinking power towards more productive ends. It limits mental productivity. The habit of disciplining yourself to one affair (with your fiancĂ© if you are unmarried or with your wife, if you are married), helps to protect and conserve your mental power for more productive ends including building personal discipline into you.

Dr Edugbo, O.P. is a medical practitioner by profession, and has a ministry towards men. Over the years, he has been involved in numerous medical, church, para-church, non-governmental and corporate organizational work and development. He conducts consultancy, speaking and training engagements for churches and corporate organizations.

You may reach him on 08130105533,

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